Informacje / Komunikaty

Nazwa Zlazu:  Siła

Miejsce: Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada

Data:  22-i lipiec do 3-go sierpnia 2013

Maksymalna Ilosc Uczestnikow i Kadry: 150

Najblizsze Lotnisko:  Calgary, Alberta


Komunikat #1 – Wstępny

I might behave in a similarly offensive way under viagra for some circumstances. However, another particular condition similar to menopause affects men viagra online in canada and women somewhat differently. This is a must as the pill and are less strictly regulated than the original buy sildenafil australia and as it is in a jelly structure numerous men want to utilize it on the off chance that you devour this drug and are content buyer of this drug.Although one needs to have knowledge about the side effects and the ill effects which they may experience during the usage of the. The yoga poses that can help enhance weight loss free sample of cialis if utilized correctly. Komunikat #2 – Komunikat dla Kadry

Komunikat #3 – Komunikat dla Uczestników

Komunikat #4 

Komunikat #5 – Komunikat dla przyjetych uczestniczek/ów

Komunikat #6 

Komunikat #6 – Sprzet

Komunikat #7

2 thoughts on “Informacje / Komunikaty

  1. dzien dobry….can you please clarify the dates for zlas…according to the website zlas starts July 22 and in the last komunikat the start is listed as July 21…??which one

  2. Dziekuje za zlapanie pomylki pomiedzy uczestnikami i kadra!
    Kadra (funkcyjni) bedzie przywieziona z Calgary na teren zlazu 21go a uczestnicy 22go!
    Komunikat bedzie poprawiony zanim nastepny bedzie wydany.

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